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LoRa® On-Premise - at Home and in the Office

LoRa, LoRa Developers, Wireless RF, LoRa Edge, LoRaWAN

Steven Hegenderfer

Steven Hegenderfer

Understanding On-Premise LoRaWAN® Deployments

Many LoRaWAN deployments are private or on-premise. These deployments rely on the ability to deploy sensors, gateways and a network server within a company’s own infrastructure, and might require that the entire infrastructure remain sealed off from the internet.

Introducing the Hands-on Lab: LoRa On-Premise - at Home and in the Office

A new Hands-on Lab, LoRa on-premise - at Home and in the Office is a hands-on guide for anyone interested in creating a solution with LoRaWAN at home or in a commercial building, using affordable and readily-available components. By the end of the lab, you will be able to use the LoRaWAN standard to effectively set up and monitor your targeted environment with a set of off-the-shelf IoT components. And while you will focus on an on-premise deployment for this lab, the technologies and paradigms you will use can also be deployed in the cloud. 

Steps to Building Your On-Premise LoRaWAN Solution

By following the steps in the Hands-on Lab, you will learn how to:

  • Create and configure a complete, simple and self-contained LoRaWAN ‘edge’ server on-premise, consisting of a gateway, network server and light-weight application server.

    • Install a free network server onto a Raspberry Pi with a shield for LoRaWAN

    • Create and configure a gateway with an application and device profiles

  • Add at least one LoRaWAN end device to your gateway

  • Join the device(s) to the server, set up their measurements and dashboards

  • And, optionally, hook up your solution to the free IFTTT service so you can get email updates when devices send up data

All of this will be built on top of the Semtech LoRa Core™ SX1302 evaluation kit. And when you are done, you will have a fully-functional solution with LoRaWAN running in your own home or office on a single device.

Easy setup and installation, off-the-shelf sensors and hooks to external services if you want to use them.  

So, go to the Semtech Learning Center today and get started building your solutions!


Semtech®, the Semtech logo, LoRa®, and LoRaWAN® are registered trademarks or service marks, and LoRa Core is the trademark or service mark of Semtech Corporation or its affiliates. Other product or service names mentioned herein may be the trademarks of their respective owners.

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